Indoor Gardening Tips for Healthier Houseplants.
Our houseplants, like ourselves, slow down in the winter. In the summer, they thrive, but in the winter, they get low light levels, short days, dry heated air, and a chilly environment. Our indoor gardening activities must change as their growing habits change. Check these 7 simple tricks for more. Less H2O. In the winter, indoor plants require less water, and we tend to overwater and turn it into one of the most common problems of plant death. Water clogs the air spaces in the soil. Plant roots require air in the same way as they require water and nutrients. Before grabbing the watering can make sure there isn’t any standing water. Not just on the top, but around 2” deep, the soil should be dry. Fill the pot halfway with water and let it drip into a sink or bucket. When the task is complete, don’t leave the pot sitting in a saucer of water. Hold The Fertilizer In the winter, plants are dormant and do not require an artificial boost in growth power. Let In Light & Keep Plants ...
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